Monday, 19 September 2011

How to Create a GIF from a Video

GIF stands for 'Graphics Interchange Format' that was introduced by CompuServe back in the late 80's. Creating GIF's from a video is a bit of a thing from the past but is defiantly fun for social networks and especially if your signed to up to forums as most of those accept GIF's for avatar use.

So first things first on how to create a GIF from a video is we need some footage, I recommend to keep it lower length as possible due to the output of the file size. You can use many formats of video with the software where are going to use which can be downloaded here:

AVS4YOU VIDEO CONVERTER  (right click and open in new window)

1. Install the software and load it up

2. Find some footage, I'm using the YouTube downloader / Conversion method on my "Youtube to DVD" tutorial on my blog and I've found a failed skateboard trick I'm going to be adding to the AVS converter, please follow the settings from my screenshot below:

When you've tweaked all that you should have an output GIF simular to this:

A pretty good result, the files only 250k for a 3 second color movie loop, so this is how you create a GIF from a video, feel free to tweak the quality settings to adjust file size just in case you have upload limitations on the forum server or whatever your using

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